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Reading/Writing Files


Many programs need to save or load data to/from files. Android file I/O is similar to Java I/O (using the same APIs), but depending on where you want to save/load files, you may need to jump through a few hoops in the name of user privacy and protection.

In this module, we'll look at simple file I/O in private directories on a device or SD card, and more complex Storage-Access Framework file I/O.

Note: Due to out-of-town trips, I decided to edit a recording of a live lecture that I gave Summer 2021.


Total video time for this module: 1:59:57

Files: Lecture (Summer 2021) (27:29)

Files: Example 1 - Private Files (Summer 2021) (35:04)

Files: Example 2 - SD Card Private Files and MediaStore (Summer 2021) (35:52)

Files: Example 3 - Storage Access Framework (Summer 2021) (21:32)

Example Source
