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Compose Graphics 2

We continue our Graph editor application, adding support for * Blinking like-typed shapes when clicked * Dragging shapes * Drawing lines between objects (that stay connected when the shapes are moved)

Note that I walk through several intentional errors during these videos and explain why they occur/how to fix them. The user tap/drag interaction can be trickier to get right than it seems, so I wanted to highlight common problems and show that sometimes an "obvious" design may not be correct...


I really like the videos for this module, so I'm not converting them to text. I have added some notes to some of the videos for some minor changes, but the vast majority of the content works as-is.


Total video time for this module: 1:57:28


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Jetpack Compose Graphics: Blinking and Internal Compiler Errors (Fall 2021) (52:55)


A few notes on the content of this video:

7:25 - The compiler error has been fixed, but this section might still be interesting to demonstrate some debug/narrowing techniques when faced with a compiler error

15:40 - Note that nested functions can be tricky inside composables, and it's better to avoid them. You really can't test them either.

24:30 - I completely reimplemented the tapping/dragging.

Originally I was trying to do multiple gesture handlers in a pointerInput, which doesn't work. I can't recall if I tried multiple pointerInputs in the original example or not. The docs at the time didn't make this clear (and/or it didn't work), so I ended up tweaking the gesture detectors themselves. The new version adds multiple pointerInputs where needed. This part of the video is still interesting, though, due to some of the explanations on how taps, drags and such work, especially the "touch slop" discussion. Note that you probably will never need to modify the gesture detectors as shown in the video; you just need multiple pointerInput modifiers.

47:45 - should be using collectAsStateWithLifecycle

48:20 - I changed the example to use viewModelScope in the view model to launch the coroutine

Jetpack Compose Graphics: Dragging and Connecting (Fall 2021) (1:04:33)


A few notes on the content of this video:

00:00 - I completely reimplemented the tapping/dragging. See the notes on the first video for details

Still worth watching this part so you'll understand how user input maps to teh function calls.

17:38 - the Handlers instance will actually get recreated whenever the collected flows emit new values as well

23:40 - another way to fix this problem is to use rememberUpdatedState. This creates indirect access to the value to be used inside lambdas that shouldn't be restarted/re-evaluated.

Example Source

Source code for examples is at