About Your Instructor
Scott Stanchfield
By day, Scott works at Google in Android Developer Relations. They usually tell him to go play with some (colorful) blocks in the corner (so everyone else can actually get some work done).
By night, Scott can be found teaching Android Mobile Application Development and Kotlin programming for the JHU Whiting School. He also enjoys swing dancing, singing Karaoke and attending musicals whenever they stop in DC.
Scott's been a Software Developer/Architect for over 30 years. Some highlights:
Worked for Tom McCabe, creator of the Cyclomatic Complexity metric.
Worked for Frank DeRemer and Tom Penello, inventors of LALR parsing (the type of parsing used by the lex and yacc parser-generation tools)
Worked for Terence Parr (creator of PCCS/ANTLR - which use LL parsing), created a debugger for ANTLR and taught Java world-wide for four years.
Was on the ANSI C++ 1998 Standardization committee (don't blame him; he was only in the last two sessions and tried to stop it...)
Wrote Effective VisualAge for Java, Version 3.5 in the late 90's
Held the world record on Discs of Tron (arcade) in the mid 80's. Currently #3 at Twin Galaxies, and #3 on Arcade1Up's machine.
A Few Pictures
Best. Glasses. Ever!
Part of my MC-3P0 costume.
Welcome to the Hallcade
Had to do something with this awkward hall...
Education History
Bachelor of Arts Computer Science, The University of Michigan
Master of Science Computer Science, The Johns Hopkins University
Please see
Contact Information
JHU Email: (use for all class communication)
Personal Email: (only use for non-class communication)